Source code for dict_deserializer.deserializer

from typing import Optional, Union, List, Tuple, Dict, Any

from typeguard import check_type

def _type_to_str(t, default=None):
    if default is None:
        default = str(t)
    if type(t) == type:
        t: type
        return t.__name__
    return default

[docs]class Rule: """ This class is primarily used as a container to store type information. """
[docs] @staticmethod def to_rule(tpe) -> 'Rule': """ Ensures type is a rule. Otherwise, it will be converted into a rule. :param tpe: The type/rule. :return: a Rule """ if isinstance(tpe, Rule): return tpe return Rule(tpe)
# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def __init__(self: 'Rule', type, default=None): self.type = type self.default = default def __repr__(self: 'Rule'): if self.default: return "Rule(type={}, default={})".format(self.type, self.default) return "Rule(type={})".format(self.type)
[docs] def validate(self: 'Rule', key: str, value): """ Returns the original value, a default value, or throws. :param key: The key of this field. :param value: Which value to validate. :return: value, default. """ check_type(key, value, self.type) if value is None: value = self.default return value
[docs] def error_string(self): return _type_to_str(self.type, default=self.__str__())
[docs]class DeserializableMeta(type): """ Metaclass for all Deserializable """ def __new__( mcs: 'DeserializableMeta', name: str, bases: Tuple[type], namespace: dict) \ -> type: def auto_ctor(self, **kwargs): for k, v in type(self).get_attrs().items(): setattr(self, k, kwargs.get(k)) namespace['_discriminators'] = [] namespace['_abstract'] = False namespace['__init__'] = auto_ctor cls = type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace) for b in bases: if b is object: continue if hasattr(b, '__annotations__'): annotations = dict(b.__annotations__) annotations.update(cls.__annotations__) cls.__annotations__ = annotations return cls
def _rbase(cls: type, ls: List[type] = None) -> List[type]: """ Get all base classes for cls. """ if ls is None: ls = [] if len(cls.__bases__) > 0: for k in cls.__bases__: ls.append(k) _rbase(k, ls) return ls def _is_valid(key: str, value) -> bool: """ Value is not a method and key does not start with an underscore. :param key: The name of the field :param value: The value of the field :return: Boolean. """ return not key.startswith('_') and \ not callable(value) and \ not isinstance(value, classmethod) and \ not isinstance(value, staticmethod) and \ not isinstance(value, property)
[docs]class Deserializable(metaclass=DeserializableMeta): """ Base class for all automagically deserializing classes. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_attrs(cls) -> Dict[str, Rule]: """ Returns a list of all type rules for the given class. :return: a dict from property to type rule. """ fields = {} defaults = {} rl = list(reversed(_rbase(cls))) rl.append(cls) for c in rl: for k in c.__dict__: if isinstance(c.__dict__[k], property): fields[k] = Rule(Any) elif _is_valid(k, c.__dict__[k]): defaults[k] = c.__dict__[k] fields[k] = Rule(Optional[type(defaults[k])], default=defaults[k]) for k in cls.__annotations__: if k in defaults and not _is_valid(k, defaults[k]): continue rule = Rule.to_rule(cls.__annotations__[k]) if k in defaults: rule.default = defaults[k] fields[k] = rule return fields
[docs]def get_deserialization_classes(t, d, try_all=True) -> List[type]: """ Find all candidates that are a (sub)type of t, matching d. :param t: The type to match from. :param d: The dict to match onto. :param try_all: Whether to support automatic discrimination. :return: an ordered list of candidate classes to deserialize into. """ candidates = [] for sc in t.__subclasses__(): if hasattr(sc, '_discriminators'): # noinspection PyProtectedMember for discriminator in sc._discriminators: if not discriminator.check(d): # Invalid break else: # All were valid try: candidates.extend( get_deserialization_classes(sc, t, try_all)) except TypeError as e: if not try_all: raise e if not getattr(t, '_abstract', True): candidates.append(t) return candidates
[docs]def deserialize(rule: Rule, data, try_all: bool = True, key: str = '[root]'): """ Converts the passed in data into a type that is compatible with rule. :param rule: :param data: :param try_all: Whether to attempt other subtypes when a TypeError has occurred. This is useful when automatically deriving discriminators. :param key: Used for exceptions and error reporting. Preferrably the full path to the current value. :return: An instance matching Rule. """ # Deserialize primitives try: return rule.validate(key, data) except TypeError: pass # Deserialize type unions if type(rule.type) is type(Union): for arg in rule.type.__args__: try: v = deserialize(Rule(arg), data, try_all, key) if v is None: v = rule.default return v except TypeError: pass raise TypeError('{} did not match any of {} for key <{}>.' .format(type(data).__name__, rule.type.__args__, key)) # Deserialize dicts if type(rule.type) is type(Dict) and getattr(rule.type, "__origin__", None) == Dict: if len(rule.type.__args__) != 2: raise TypeError('Cannot handle dicts with 0, 1 or more than two ' 'type arguments ' 'at <{}>'.format(key)) if isinstance(data, dict): data: dict result = {} for k, v in data.items(): dict_key = deserialize( Rule(rule.type.__args__[0]), k, try_all, '{}.{}'.format(key, k)) dict_value = deserialize( Rule(rule.type.__args__[1]), v, try_all, '{}.{}'.format(key, dict_key)) result[dict_key] = dict_value return result # Deserialize lists if type(rule.type) is type(List) and getattr(rule.type, "__origin__", None) == List: if len(rule.type.__args__) != 1: raise TypeError( 'Cannot handle list with 0 or more than 1 type arguments ' 'at <{}>.'.format(key)) if type(data) != list: raise TypeError( 'Cannot deserialize {} into list ' 'at <{}>.'.format(type(data).__name__, key)) data: list t = rule.type.__args__[0] result = [] for i, v in enumerate(data): result.append(deserialize( Rule(t), v, try_all, '{}.{}'.format(key, i) )) return result # Deserialize tuples if type(rule.type) is type(Tuple): if not isinstance(data, list): raise TypeError( 'Expected a list to convert to tuple, but got {}' 'at <{}>'.format(_type_to_str(type(data)), key)) data: list if len(rule.type.__args__) != len(data): raise TypeError( 'Expected a list of {} elements, but got {} elements ' 'at <{}>.'.format(len(rule.type.__args__), len(data), key)) return tuple(deserialize(Rule(v[0]), v[1], key="{}.{}".format(key, k)) for k, v in enumerate(zip(rule.type.__args__, data))) # Deserialize classes if issubclass(rule.type, Deserializable): if not isinstance(data, dict): raise TypeError( 'Cannot deserialize non-dict into class instance ' 'at <>.'.format(key)) data: dict classes = get_deserialization_classes(rule.type, data, try_all) cause = None for cls in classes: try: # Instantiate cls with parameters generated by # the list comprehension. # It loops through all defined attributes, and # defines it by recursively calling deserialize on # each of those attributes with the values found in # either data, or by using a default. return cls(**{k: deserialize( r, data[k] if k in data else r.default, try_all, key='{}.{}'.format(key, k) ) for k, r in cls.get_attrs().items()}) except TypeError as e: if not try_all: raise e else: cause = e except ValueError as e: if not try_all: raise e else: cause = e raise TypeError('Unable to find matching non-abstract (sub)type of ' '{} with key <{}>. ' 'Reason: {}'.format(rule.error_string(), key, cause)) raise TypeError('Expected something of type {}, but got type {} ' 'at <{}>.'.format(rule.error_string(), type(data).__name__, key))